Our NASM certified trainers take a strategic and sport specific approach to building strength from the ground up. Before loading a single pound on the bar, we get to know every player’s specific needs, and deficiencies. We also consider what sport(s) they play and what part of the season they are in. We then set appropriate goals for the athlete and build a personal strength program based on those goals. And then most importantly, we track the progress!

  • SAQ

    Speed, agility, quickness and plyometric training are landmarks in the NBW training philosophy. The evolution of athletic performance no longer allows athletes to get away with just being strong. They must learn how to move explosively, accelerate rapidly, change direction, and generate force at a rapid rate. This is what makes today’s athlete different, and we understand and incorporate those factors!


    We understand that the ultimate goal for our athletes is to improve on the field or court. That’s why we have incorporated a dynamic movement approach to our training sessions, with the use of variably loaded exercises that mimic the bio mechanical patterns used during competition. We believe every rep is important and shouldn’t be wasted on something that won’t translate to better sports performance !